Leveraging digital technology and local knowledge for agricultural transformation in Rwanda
Leveraging digital technology and local knowledge for agricultural transformation in Rwanda

Project Name: Leveraging digital technology and local knowledge for agricultural transformation in Rwanda

Year: July 2022 – September 2023

Area/Country: Musanze District – Rwanda

Under: MasterCard foundation Transition Project at McGill University, implemented in collaboration with Agriresearch Organization and University of Rwanda-CAVM

Funding Body: MasterCard Foundation – Transition Project at McGill University (MCGILL-MCF/TP)

Status: Ongoing


AGRIRESEARCH is collaborating with the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Rwanda (UR-CAVM) under the support of MCGILL-MCF/TP to scale up SmartInput, a smart farming solution that is leveraging research findings, data and digital technology for farm management decision support for different level of producers, while attracting youth into the agriculture sector”. With its embedded artificial intelligence network of weather, soil, crops and market data, SmartInput was designed to provide farmers in the simplest possible manner with personalized best practices that will help them to optimize farming inputs and activities, maximize harvest, and negotiate good prices.

Project Goal

The GOAL of the SmartInput scale up project is to leverage digital technology to boost adoption of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) among smallholder producers in Musanze District.

Expected Results

  1. Production increase by 15% per Ha in farms and crops where producers have adopted SmartInput

  2. Access to market and weather information in addition to customized best practices for farmers using SmartInput

  3. Creating clubs and other platforms across high schools and university settings where young people learn about the challenges and opportunities presented by the agriculture sector in Rwanda

iv. Creation of Intergenerational knowledge exchanges programs to foster innovation and exchanges of ideas between old farmers and the younger generation